온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 09 Sep 2019


한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청

Spiritual Warfare, Part One

35 시청

https://www.truthforlife.org || By: Alistair Begg - Jesus secured salvation for all believers when He defeated Satan at the cross. Until Christ returns, however, spiritual warfare rages on in this world and should not be easily dismissed. In His mercy, God has provided the armor by which we can withstand such fierce opposition. In this overview of God’s protective provision, Alistair Begg exhorts us to resist Satan’s accusations, look outside ourselves to Christ, and recall the truth that in Christ, we already have the victory.

* Purchase Alistair Begg's entire study (83 sermons) in Ephesians on USB for $5 at https://www.truthforlife.org/ephesians

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한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청