온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 17 Sep 2019


한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청

Me & My Big Mouth, Part 1: Quick to Listen // Andy Stanley

24 시청

We all know what it’s like to be hurt by someone who just couldn’t listen long enough to understand us. Maybe in their attempt to be right, they damaged a relationship that could have been saved with a little patience and curiosity. You’ve probably been on the other side of that coin too. Taking the verbal offense may have won the argument but you lost relationally. What if we didn’t settle for being right, but tried to make things right instead? The longer we listen the more we learn, and the better chance we have of protecting ourselves from our own big mouths.

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한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청