온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 11 Nov 2020


(한글자막) 존파이퍼 - 하나님의 섭리와 고난에 관하여 (Providence Over Suffering by John Piper)
06 Oct 2021
(한글자막) 존파이퍼 - 하나님의 섭리와 고난에 관하여 (Providence Over Suffering by John Piper)
온맘 큐레이터 · 51 시청

John Piper Is Wrong About The President

34 시청

John Piper recently wrote an article in which he paralleled the arrogance of the President with the policies of the Left. In this video, I provide a summary of Dr. Gagnon's strong refutation of Dr. Piper's article.

Andreas Wiget's Channel:

Dr. Gagnon's Article:

John Piper's Article:

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(한글자막) 존파이퍼 - 하나님의 섭리와 고난에 관하여 (Providence Over Suffering by John Piper)
06 Oct 2021
(한글자막) 존파이퍼 - 하나님의 섭리와 고난에 관하여 (Providence Over Suffering by John Piper)
온맘 큐레이터 · 51 시청