온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 11 Nov 2020


(한글자막) 존파이퍼 - 하나님의 섭리와 고난에 관하여 (Providence Over Suffering by John Piper)
06 Oct 2021
(한글자막) 존파이퍼 - 하나님의 섭리와 고난에 관하여 (Providence Over Suffering by John Piper)
온맘 큐레이터 · 51 시청

How to Know the Will of God – John Piper

20 시청

We are going to look at Romans 12:1–2 and talk about the will of God, what it means, how to find it, and what it means to have your mind renewed to find it.

Sermon by John Piper at Good Shepherd Community Church in Portland, OR on September 27, 2015.


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(한글자막) 존파이퍼 - 하나님의 섭리와 고난에 관하여 (Providence Over Suffering by John Piper)
06 Oct 2021
(한글자막) 존파이퍼 - 하나님의 섭리와 고난에 관하여 (Providence Over Suffering by John Piper)
온맘 큐레이터 · 51 시청