온맘 큐레이터
온맘 큐레이터 17 Sep 2019


한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청

Bystander, Part 2: Living As If // Andy Stanley

24 시청

In order to demonstrate who he was, Jesus performed a number of miracles—which the apostle John referred to as “signs.” The first of those signs was at a joyous occasion where Jesus turned water into wine. The second sign was in the midst of a heartbreaking circumstance in which a father desperately asks Jesus to heal his dying son.

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한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
01 Feb 2023
한미준 All라인 스쿨 "시대정신과 한국교회" part.3 by 김동일목사
온맘 큐레이터 · 19 시청